Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Health benefits of BLACKBERRY WINE and JUICE

Tinctures are one way to take herbs but herbal wines are still another. They have the advantage of lower alcohol content and are cheaper because you don’t have to buy alcohol to make and preserve the extract, you can just allow the berry or herbs to make their own alcohol.
Blackberry wine is a delicious beverage with a lot of healing benefits for the blood and lower bowel. It was actually was the preferred alcoholic drink during mid 19th century North America since grapes where not as yet established in the Midwest and Western part of the country.
Blackberry wine like blackberry leaves and blackberry root is a treatment for general sickness and especially bowel diseases including diarrhea and IBS. A shot glass two or three times a day is a good dose but it is so delicious that it is hard to limit oneself to only that amount. In many parts of the country, the Blackberries are only just coming to fruition. Here’s a fine old-time recipe for making Blackberry wine.
1 gallon of blackberries
Add 1 quart of boiling water.
Let it stand for 24 hours, stirring occasionally
Press strain through a strainer or cheesecloth
To every gallon of liquid dissolve 2 lbs of sugar
Warm slightly no higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit
Float a teaspoon of wine or baker’s yeast.
Cover with a clean cloth to keep dirt out of it
Let it stand in a warm place (the attic is a good place) until the fermenting activity has nearly finished -- this can take a couple of weeks. One way to tell is to put a small pinhole in a balloon and fasten it over the lip of a bottle. It will inflate with the escaping gas. When the balloon naturally deflates, the fermentation is mostly complete, and it should be tightly corked and bottled for future use.
Strain again through a finer cotton or linen cloth
Bottle a cork tightly letting it stand for at least a year.
The original recipe indicated to cork it tight without adding the yeast and after the sugar has been added and simply let it stand for a year.
The same recipe can be followed substituting any berries or fruit. You can make wine with any herb by making a strong decoction from any root, bark or leaves. Follow the same procedure but dissolve 3 lbs of sugar into the liquor instead.
To make old fashioned root beer, make a strong decoction of sassafras, sarsaparilla, burdock root and perhaps a little licorice or anise seed. Follow the above procedure but only use 1 lb of sugar per gallon of tea and do add yeast and keep warm overnight to allow the fermentation to begin. Before it is completely done, this should be consumed within a day.

Blackberry Juice

Blackberry juice is not only delicious but is also good for you. The health benefits and medicinal uses are numerous and may be just what you are looking for if you suffer from certain ailments.

Blackberries – The Fruit This Juice Is Made Of

Rubus fructicosus is the formal name for the blackberry, and there are over 40 species. Although it is difficult to trace the origin, history shows that Romans and Greeks used this fruit as medicine. European villages used blackberry bushes to protect against large animals and enemies. Native Americans made use of blackberries for medicine, food, for coloring animal skins, and to make twine from the canes and vines. The first United States Botanical Garden was founded in 1728. In 1880 blackberry breeding began in California. Amazingly, blackberries grow on every continent except Antarctica and Australia. A new Triple Crown blackberry has been approved by the USDA and is a thornless berry with a sweet taste.

About Blackberry Juice

Plump blackberries make a wine-like tasty juice. For a quart of blackberry juice, it will take approximately three and a half pounds of berries. The juice can be used in jams and jellies, in pies along with the whole fruit, added to tea or lemonade or carbonated water for refreshing drinks, be an ingredient in smoothies, added to homemade ice cream, used in cooking and marinating, or to make cordials and wine.

Health Benefits of Blackberry Juice

The many health benefits of blackberry juice have extended back thousands of years. It was used to treat fever and bowel problems for more than 2,000 years. Additional illnesses believed to be cured by blackberries are ulcers, whooping cough, gout, stomach problems, diarrhea, nausea, sore throat, and venomous creature bites.
Blackberries are rich in vitamins such as A and C, have cancer-fighting antioxidants, and have minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. They also fight aging, protect eyesight, reduce cholesterol, fight heart disease, and strengthen blood vessels.

Making Your Own Blackberry Juice

Pick a firm, bright, dark berry for the sweetest flavor. Use the berries as soon as possible, but while you wait, put the berries in containers or plastic zippered bags and squeeze out as much air as you can.
There are many recipes for making blackberry juice, but the easiest method takes only ten minutes of preparation time and eight minutes of cooking time. You can also substitute two 16-ounce packages of thawed frozen blackberries if fresh berries are not available. To make two cups of juice, use two quarts of fresh cleaned blackberries and 1/2 cup water. Bring to a boil in a three-quart saucepan. Reduce heat. Simmer for five minutes or until the blackberries are soft. Mash blackberries with a fork or potato masher. Pour through a large strainer into a bowl. Use the back of a spoon to squeeze out the juice. Discard the seeds and pulp. Sweeten with sugar or honey to taste.

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful. When I was 19 my aunt gave me some blackberry wine for a bout of diarrhea. She explained the efficacy related to this. I have used blackberry wine since then to solve intestinal issues, have taught my kids this. It is good to know of the other good things blackberries do for us. Thank you.
